New Years Eve 2013 – the winners will be announced.

ThePublicBlogger Awards. I am so excited… Not only because my story – Go Home, You Black Bitch – was nominated in the “Best Story” category, but for all the bloggers, stories, poetry that I have read. They are all wonderful and I have had a great time getting to know such talented people. I feel honoured to be considered amongst this community. Check out the video trailer to give you an idea (it’s only 40 seconds).  If you are looking for something fresh, head on over and check out the nominees… 2013 Thepublicblogger Awards Categories & Nominees

22 thoughts on “New Years Eve 2013 – the winners will be announced.

    • Cat, that is so kind of you to say and I hope you realise that YOUR nomination for the same award is how I found your blog, and your story is equally deserving! That is why I am so looking forward to the event, it doesn’t matter who wins, I am glad of the experience and the people it has brought into my life.

    • MM, it was so ungracious of me not to respond sooner. And I feel a little guilty trying not to accept these awards – so I’ve turned my head inside out and given it a good shake. Thank you so much for the nomination. I am off to prepare my acceptance speech. The Christmas thing scared the hell out of me. I usually have nothing sensible to say about Christmas, not being the best season for me, so time to get creative…! You are an inspiration, my friend, even if it takes a while for me to get that.

      • Don’t put yourself under any pressure Jambo – do that and the award is withdrawn 😉 Some people can find Christmas daunting and lonely. If that is the case let your responses reflect that. That is the beauty of this place, just tell us how it is. It may even help in letting go. 😀

      • Not pressure, more like hearing the call to get on with it and move past some stuff. Plus I keep happening upon interesting blogs, I also keep running out of time… so I want to spend the christmas period saying thank you and handing out awards. It’s a positive thing.

    • Thank you! I feel like a winner with all this support and encouragement from people that I truly respect. You always know exactly what to say to reach into the very depths of my being and say, “Yes! this life, it’s worth it.”

      • Somehow, I feel connected to you in a way I can’t explain. Isn’t that strange?
        All I can say is that you have touched me deeply with your story, not just the content of it, but the courage it took to write it down and share it with the world. Your resilient, no triumphant! spirit is shining through.

      • Not so strange if you I told you what I nearly wrote in response to your first comment… Let’s just say the feeling of connectedness with you is mutual. 🙂

    • Thank you! It starts at 12:01 New Zealand Time, so if you’re not busy, come hang out. Oh my, I haven’t a thing to wear to match your tux… lucky it’s an online event.

    • Thank you MM – it’s difficult for me to comprehend how something like this nomination could make me so happy. But then I see this comment and I am even more delighted with 11/12/13. Your photo earlier today rendered me speechless and left me with an overwhelming desire to draw/paint. I am pretty sure you are made from some kind of extra special magic…

      Have a good one.

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    Not everyone who follows JamboRobyn knows of my humble beginnings, but that first story I wrote seems to have a life of it’s own and I’m just the caretaker.

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